Thursday, November 21, 2019

DD2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

DD2 - Essay Example It’s only a small number of academics today who take themselves as racists, and if you called somebody a racist would be deemed offensive. Yet racism is almost found everywhere in various cultures, just as dangerous and pervasive as it was centuries ago.Currently, there seems to be lots of racism but few racist. How can we explain this paradox? Racism is a type of practice that has had tremendous and profound importance in the European society for several centuries. It has importance in the fact that it is a crucial aspect of the manner in which the European system of capitalism maintains itself. Racist practice, just like all practices has got a dominant group, system advantage ,cognized,justified,rationalized by either a theory or a system of belief and racial bigotry regarding reality’s nature and the appropriate behavior for this cognized reality. An academic racist in today’s world can be accused of believing in such things as objectification, biological, hereditary superiority of people of a certain ethnicity over persons of another particular race, implying that discrimination is rationalized, explained, justified, by the biological theory underlying. However nobody believes in this theory any more. In the world of today, we have few racists and more racism. Most academics are of the belief that the me mbers of what was known as inferior and marginalized races have an equal capacity of the so-called privileged races, but have not succeeded to make a realization of this capacity. Their culture has not permitted them to learn things that they need so that they can be treated equally. They have not endeavored to think rationally nor have they behaved in ways that are appropriate as social adults. Thus the issue here is culture and not biology, and naturally inequality will disappear with time. In the meantime however,

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